Tuesday, February 05, 2008

morbidly obese Tuesday

Happy voting!

Today could turn out to be Superphat Tuesday for your favorite candidate!

We're walking to the polls after breakfast (coffee cake; coffee; a pear). More later.


Bob Kirkman said...

Just make sure you vote for the best candidate. You know, the one who promised to do good things and not to do bad things. The one who promised change.

Or, at least, say just that to any exit pollsters you happen to meet.

Doc Nagel said...

... which raises the question: how much change? 34¢? 78¢?

Oh, and I noticed the rules for poll watchers there. It turns out that it's a misdemeanor to wear a button or other plumage in support of a candidate within 100 feet of the polling place. (I'm not sure they'd enforce this, especially if you wore a Dukakis/Bentsen or "I Like Ike" button.)