Thursday, November 02, 2006

coupla items after long absence

If you imagine there's a direct inverse correlation between frequency of my posts and how busy my life is (as measured, say, by the number of student papers to grade, grievance meetings, union meetings, etc. I've had lately), then DING! DING! DING! DING! You win the prize!

And the prize is a pair of news items from the San Francisco Chronic-ill ("America's Sickest Paper").

The British government says failing to pony up around 1% of GDP to fight carbon emissions is likely to cost us a major economic depression.

Meanwhile, the international Slow Food movement has been having a confab in Italy. It strikes me as slightly ironic that people are flying from all over the place to go to a rather globally-pitched event as part of an anti-globalization movement. But the article also informs us that plans are in the works for a Slow Food dingus in San Francisco.

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