Saturday, April 22, 2006

binghamton, then pennsylvania

We've had absurdly warm, sunny weather here, until today. Today we received the gift of typical Pennsylvania Apriliana - rain, mist, fog, wind, and chill.

The conference went okay, even though Paul and I had an audience of 3 (we were up against 3 Certified Academic Big Shots, so I figured). Our papers were still good. So there.

We were in a one-star HoJo's in Binghamton that had a whirlpool tub. Tonight we're in a three-star Holiday Inn near the Pittsburgh airport, and the wireless internet can't seem to withstand uploading any of the pictures we snapped today on the drive from Binghamton. The HoJo's also had the OLN network, which is the cable channel with the NHL contract this year, and the Holiday Inn doesn't. And the HoJo's was more expensive. All of which proves I have no idea what the star rating system for hotels means.

Blogger finally successfully uploaded this picture, from Hughesville, PA:

Res ipsa loquitir.

More snaps later. The Holiday Inn internet hates me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Teach them to trust anyone...